How Healings Work

How Healings Work

Spiritual healings and energy shifts are done through a guided meditative talk therapy directed from a connection to Spirit and the Universal Life Force Energy of All That is (See stem cell energy of ANCIENT HEALING WISDOMS)

We call it the Universe, the Creator, and Star Wars’ The Force.  Others may call it God/Allah/Holy Spirit. 

You only need…

  • You only need:
    1. A belief of a power greater than yourself and…
    2. A willingness to take responsibility for yourself and circumstance.
  • For couples, we recommend individual healings in addition to together.  We remove blame from the equation.  It’s not about who is at fault, wrong, or the villain.  It’s only about what YOU can do to move forward with higher connections and experiences.
  • When you release heavy emotions of repressed shame, guilt, rage and fear (see Map of Consciousness by David Hawkins), you clear the space for love and peace.  Emotions are natural, they help point us in a growth direction and must be felt to be released.  
  • When you shift unconscious motivations of Revenge/Resentment/Regret to positive motivations of love it upgrades your outcomes.
  • Your subconscious is like a computer, there are built in programs running the scripts of your life.
  • Your spiritual soul growth is like playing a video game.  You have to repeat the same level over and over again until you have mastered it and uplevel (in spirit’s case it is learning lessons & virtues).
  • It is not a message or intention of the Universe if it is wrapped in Fear.  Everything is always a choice in Fear or Love.   In shifting our relationship with the Creator, it shifts your worldview.
  • Your cells are intelligent, and healing is intuitive.  Strengthen your intuition to guide you in every moment moving forward. 
  • Think of these subconscious parts as just a PART separate from you.  It is not truly you and who you are, but a part of your subconscious that was trying to protect you or heal a problem at the time.  Sometimes it’s running this same problem over and over again trying, creating a constant loops of stress and anxiety.  When they are healed and integrated you will feel more whole and yourself.